Every object featured in this chaotic rapid fire of setups was sourced based on highly specific criteria unique to its own time period, and function in technological advancement. Sourcing these real world items, while sticking to our pallet, within the short pre-production time was a stressful but rewarding process. I am very proud of the quality and quality of props, sets, and shots throughout the piece.
This spot went to air on SBS TV and regional Australasian networks in late 2016 with its new brand campaign in a bid to build brand awareness and align perceptions of the University with the actuality of its outstanding world-class achievements. The integrated campaign, which spans cinema, TV, OOH, press and digital, signals UOW's intensified efforts to consolidate its market position as one of the world's best modern universities, following the brand's strategic repositioning and launch of a refreshed 2016-2020 University strategic plan earlier this year.
The five research stories represent significant medical, scientific, technological and social breakthroughs such as 3D printed organs helping to create new limbs, bionic bras to support breast health, new discoveries of human evolution, carbon dioxide monitoring with NASA to detect changes to the Earth's atmosphere, and the use of Twitter data for disaster response to monsoons in Indonesia.
Creatively the concept intends to disrupt the category norm, which typically focuses on testimonial based student stories. To demonstrate the important impact of universities on society, it starts with the "why" rather than the "who". The TV spots have the affect of an assemblage of fast-paced, news-reel footage and close-up shots of objects much like a series of news grabs.