"The Maximus brand is known as the 'The Aussie Blokes Sports Drink', offering a variety of flavored of electrolyte drinks in 1L (39oz) bottles. Their target audience are blue collar workers, and the 'true blue common man'. The goal was to design a range of print and web content with high "virility" that appealed to tradesmen, truckers, sports fans, and "do'ers" on their way to and from work. We knew humor and instant brand recognition had to be key, as we were only going to have their attention for a few seconds at a time.
We aimed to create something that was as simple to digest and understand on a 1:1 instagram post, as it was while driving by a billboard. We created a series of "relatable" characters, dubbed 'LORDS' with unique silhouettes and personalities, with the goal of harvesting quick shares, tags, and reposts among the target demographic.
Online and radio contents were held pushing the "Tag a mate, to #AWARDaLORD" line, as well as a website portal to push the brand further. The campaign was a great success, I'm very proud of the work done by GiveArtScience and the entire Maximus team."