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Welcome back to Harmontown!


  • Create new visual elements befitting the established character of Harmontown.
  • Add visual interest and production value without distracting from the talent.
  • Design set pieces that are easy to setup, pack down, and store by no more than two individuals.
  • Build durable set pieces that are easy to transport for tours, special events, or change of venue.
  • Budget efficient execution (whatever that budget may be)


The overall visual style of Harmontown was born largely of circumstance. An audio-podcast-turned-video diary featuring a ranting genius and his opinionated shoulder angels, in the back room of a comic shop. The shooting style and original stage presentation evolved due to the ingenious problem solving of Kris, Nolan, and the team as they mastered the cramped space; introducing new light sources, camera angles, and rigs that made use of the intrusive support beams.

Since the move to Starburns Castle, Harmontown's technical value increased greatly - however, its visual design has stayed largely the same. A lectern, table and chairs in front of a projector screen and black curtain.

I would like made additions to this setup, adding some character and whimsey while avoiding anything overtly pretentious, complicated, or contrived




What follows are a collection of 'blue sky' ideas based on my familiarity with the show and a previous discussions with the crew.

Please consider them as 'liquid concepts' to start the discussion, and act as a point of reference for feedback.



A comptroller's lectern demands respect and grounds their presence on stage. A more unique and stylish lectern befitting Jeff's natural demeanor strikes me as an obvious fit. The ultimate goal would be to design and build an original lectern that is instantly identifiable as a signature piece of the Harmontown stage.

I've done some loose sketches (below) and pulled reference images of lectern shapes and detailing (right) largely drawing on art deco influences from architecture, light fittings, embossed patterns, and classic motifs. If we like this direction I can further elaborate and make a build plan based on your feedback. Final build would include additional practical luxuries like inbuilt microphone jacks, power strip, phone charger, drink holder, anti-shark spray, flux capacitor... etc

A stained, glossed and polished wood finish will add richness, charisma, and class to the stage. The goal would be to create a lectern that makes Jeff feel mad with power, adding to his already formidable idiom.

SHAPE reference

STYLE reference



I'm aware that Spencer's likes his dark corner, cozy under his black tablecloth, however as DM of the 'cast and monotoned man of the people, he can not be ignored. We have the opportunity to play with the dressing around him to emphasize his position as storyteller, and better balance the left and right sides of the stage. 

My first thought for Spencer would be a custom desk, or facade for his current desk, in the style of a dungeon masters screen. A DM Screen is a cardboard partition between the players and storyteller to help hide rolls and game notes, they almost always have shortcuts for rules on one side, and bad ass fantasy artwork on the other.

It could be built as a collapsible rectangular desk or in the classic DM Screen shape. Alternatively, a foldable facade could be made that wraps around Spencer's current desk. 


* Fresco Artwork & hinges are PLACEHOLDER ONLY.

We can discuss the creation of original artwork for the fresco, or an additional artist can be commissioned to create artwork that can be embossed into the wood, by building up laser cut sections, as seen to the right.

Dimmable color change LED Lighting can be embedded between the layers of shaped wood to add a dynamic flourish to both the Lectern and Table. This would add a beautiful low 'visual hum' to the stage as the audience take their seats, mood to DND as the color shifts to match the setting, or auto-cycle through a rainbow of color as Dan raps.

A sturdier but heavier option, would be to have the fresco CNC routed into a solid piece of wood. It would make transporting more challenging, but ensure a longer life to the set piece. Hiding the LEDs within would be more challenging, but very doable.

A visual unity can be achieved between the Lectern and Desk by incorporating matching finishes. For example, the fantasy fresco can appear within a deco frame, edges can be guided and layered to match, choice of wood and tonality, etc

day of the dead Art deco fresco from 'grim fandango'

DM Screen reference


Facade with folding table

LASER CUT FRESCO examples  (click to enlarge)

CNC Router examples  (Click to Enlarge)



The layout of the stage works for its purpose, and at this point its practically canon. Disheveled Dan, rants, and raves through his stuttered philosophies flanked by his unflappable brains trust. The devilish Davis, well-kempt and witty; and stalwart Spencer, gruff but gentle.  So we leave them in place, and dress around them. 

The addition of a floor rug seems smart and simple. It will not only allow for an nonintrusive splash of color, but act as a visual center bridging the gap between Stage left and right. I've used a large Persian rug, but remain very open to input.

Guest Seating and tables can be changed up to add comfort and move away from the school drama space aesthetic. A more comfortable HIGH seated couch, in the style of a chesterfield (or similar) would suit this design and also reference the Harmonious Claptrap couch (and rug). Keeping Dan and the Guest's heads at the average height of Spencer and Jeff's eye level will help with lighting and two-shot camera angles. The seating for guests is something I'd like to talk to all of you about. Lots of options are availalbe.

A regiment of footlights could be setup along the front of the stage which would add some soft fill light, allowing for less intense top-heavy lighting. These could be housed in 'shells' of any style. The most elaborate would look like vaudeville or magician's lights, the most basic would be mirrored half domes acting only to reflect the light and shield the audience.



Black is classic, and always looks good. Here are some visual mockups of what some color could look like based on a convo I had with Kris.

The large Harmontown logo in the center is a gobo light projection. Using a projected logo would means the projector screen can be retracted when not in use. 

Hanging festoons could also be used to great effect, as can directional spots to add dynamic shafts of light. Even the smallest dappled pattern can bring a huge amount to the readability of the space.

In the current setup Jeff and Spencer can often appear 'lost in space' up against the black curtain. If we keep the black curtain some additional gobos, or directional floor lamps can shape light across the backdrop to add more interest.


This collection of options uses the current setup at Starburns as its base.

If you think its worth offering up some wildly radical full builds (like the Ricking Morty set) then I can do so with a better idea of the budget being offered.

Talk soon.